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HomeFoodFoods For Weight Loss

Foods For Weight Loss

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Let’s face it, it is everyone’s dream to eat and not get fat. We all want to be able to consume our favourite dishes as much as we like and not have to worry about having to add more holes to our belts or struggle to button up our jeans. Little wonder why weight loss products are hot-selling products. If you want some foods for weight loss that you can try, then you are in the right place.

The fact, however, is that there is only one natural and surest way to lose weight; when calorie output exceeds calorie intake. In other words, burn off more calories than you consume. On the other hand, there are foods known for weight loss. This means that consuming these foods can help you lose weight, What’s more, sticking to these foods and incorporating them in your plan for at least one month, can help you lose your first 3-5kg

Generally, there are guaranteed patterns for losing weight with foods. Some of them are discussed below: 

1. Consume less carbohydrate-rich foods:

Carbohydrate foods are energy-giving foods. They provide the body with the energy needed to do work. However, excess carbohydrates are stored in the body as fat. This means that when you eat more carbohydrates than your body needs at a particular point in time, it stores the left-over carbohydrate as fat, hence, causing you to gain weight. Typical carbohydrate-rich foods are; yam, rice, spaghetti, cornflakes, bread, etc. You can achieve weight loss with these foods by consuming less of them.

2. Consume more fibre-rich foods:

Foods that are rich in fibre make you feel fuller for longer, hence, you tend to eat less. Typical fibre-rich foods for weight loss are beans and legumes.

3. Consume less Salt:

Even though salt has little or no correlation with weight loss or gain, over-consumption of salt leads to temporary weight gain as it causes the body to retain water. This causes a person to appear bigger than they are. Seasoning cubes used contain a lot of salt. Using these seasoning cubes to cook introduces high amounts of salt into our diet.

4. Consume more spicy foods:

You might be wondering what spicy foods are doing on this list, but you’d agree with me that eating spicy foods causes you to eat slowly. If you’d like to confirm this, crank up the spice level on your pepper soup or favourite soup and watch how fast you’ll eat. Eating more slowly is a good weight loss strategy because when you eat quickly, you have to overeat before your body signals that it is full. Also, spicy foods make you drink more water, so you’ll feel fuller quickly. In addition, spicy foods raise your metabolism. In summary, increasing the spice level of your favourite food can help you achieve weight loss.

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Foods For Weight Loss

5. Consider the calorie content of your favourite drinks:

Drinks, even those that are considered healthy, contain calories that can contribute to weight gain. For example, a typical 300ml of maltina drink contains 48g of carbohydrates, which is the same as 1 cup of white rice. The point is, when consuming these foods, do well to consider the calories in these drinks.

6. Watch the fried foods:

It is common knowledge that fried foods cause weight gain. Fried foods contain large amounts of oil, which can lead to an increase in weight. A much healthier alternative would be oven-roasting or oven-frying, as this requires much less amount of oil. As such, to enjoy your favourite foods and stick to your weight loss program, try switching deep-fried potatoes for oven-fried.

7. Watch the meat:

There’s no denying the fact that red meat is very important in cuisine. It stars in a lot of soups, stews and sauces. A good way to enjoy meat and achieve your weight loss goals will be to switch beef for goat meat, as it has less fat and calorie content.

 Read Also: How To Prepare Zobo Drink For Weight Loss

foods for weight loss can be classified under the following groups:


  • Mango
  • Berries
  • Avocado
  • Olive and Olive oil
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Bananas
  • Watermelon
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemons
  • Papaya (Pawpaw)
  • Pineapple
  • Oranges


  • Cucumber
  • Tomatoes
  • Chilli Pepper
  • Okra
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Carrot

Grains and Legumes

  • Oats
  • Beans
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Almonds
  • Coconut and Coconut Oil
  • Nuts (Cashew, Peanuts, and Walnuts)
  • Coffee

Herbs and Spices

  • Garlic
  • Ginger

Animal Produce:

  • Egg (plus the yolk.)
  • Natural Yoghurt
  • Low-fat Milk
  • Turkey
  • Seafood (example, crabs, crayfish, etc.)
  • Mackerel (AKA Titus)

Popular Combinations Of Foods For Weight Loss

You must combine the correct items on one plate in order to burn belly fat when searching for meal pairings to accelerate weight loss. All of the powerful pairs below can either burn fat, reduce bloat, or speed up your metabolism because of their complimentary nutrients. When you can eat two better-for-your-bod foods and double your attempts to lose weight, why limit yourself to just one?

foods are typically high in carbohydrates, fats and proteins and such can easily lead to weight gain. One way to lose weight even from eating foods is to substitute high carbohydrate meals with low carbohydrate alternatives.

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Foods For Weight Loss

Here are some dishes to help you lose weight

1. Berries & Oatmeal:
Oatmeal with berries on top is a delectable breakfast choice that will help burn fat if you’re attempting to reduce weight. Why is the pair so effective together? They are both rich in insoluble fiber, which raises ghrelin levels, the hormone that regulates appetite, according to researchers. Berries are also a great source of polyphenols, which are compounds that help reduce weight and even prevent fat from accumulating. You’ll definitely see your six-pack before swimsuit season if you incorporate this meal into your weekly routine. We assure you that the cooking time is worthwhile.

2. Berries and Yogurt
Yogurt is dairy treat that is high in protein, yogurt helps you lose weight in two ways. Because of its high protein content, it has a great thermic effect, which increases calorie burn while it is being digested. Yogurt also contains calcium and vitamin D, which the expert claims assist control of the fat-producing stress hormone cortisol and aid in weight loss. Yogurt with antioxidant-rich berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries, can be combined to further lower oxidative stress and promote weight management and general health.

3. Maize with Beans
A study in Arya Atherosceloris found that a calorie-restricted diet paired with two daily doses of high-protein and high-fiber beans can effectively support weight loss. Similar to bananas, corn has resistant starch, which hinders digestion and lowers the absorption of calories. Mixing salt- and BPA-free cans with pepper and cilantro results in a tasty side dish of corn and beans that can be added to salads, grilled chicken, or pita pockets.

4.Fish and Garlic
Fish are rich in long chains of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory and triglyceride properties. They’re also excellent providers of protein that builds muscle, and your body’s metabolic rate increases with the amount of muscle you have. When garlic is added, you have an extremely effective tool for combating abdominal fat.

A study that was published in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice found that women who consumed 80 mg of garlic extract daily for 12 weeks experienced considerable weight loss and a reduction in body mass index.

5. Avocado together with Leafy Greens
Leafy greens like kale or spinach combined with creamy avocado make a nutrient-dense salad that aids in weight loss. Leafy vegetables have a larger thermic effect since they are high in fiber and low in calories. Conversely, avocado is a fruit high in fiber and good fats that helps with weight management and offers long-lasting energy. To reap the advantages, add avocados to a variety of savory and sweet meals.

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6. Sweet potatoes and salmon
While fish is frequently referred to as “brain food,” it also benefits your waistline. Salmon is a great source of its omega-3 fats, which may aid in body fat loss. Additionally, a 3-ounce portion has 17 grams of protein. Pair it with roasted sweet potatoes for a satisfying but low-fat supper. A 5-inch potato only contains 112 calories and 4 grams of fiber.

7. Little Carrots with Hummus
This tasty pair not only adds fiber, healthy fat, and protein that helps with weight loss to your plate, but they’re also loaded with water that fills you up, vitamin A (which aids in the body’s protein synthesis), and magnesium, a mineral that promotes lipolysis, the process by which your body breaks down fat stores. To enjoy the benefits of healthy eating while on the road, search for single-serving hummus containers and place your vegetables in a plastic snack bag.

Other combinations are:

  • Whole grain bagel with fried egg and avocado
  • Baked salmon with brown rice and broccoli
  • Omelet with veggies and cheese, plus a side of fruit, hashbrowns, or an English muffin
  • Sandwich with turkey, spinach, tomatoes, and guacamole
  • Oatmeal made with dairy or soy milk, mixed with walnuts and berries
  • Whole wheat toast with cream cheese and scrambled eggs
  • Fresh fruit with yogurt and chia seeds
  • Wrap with feta, chicken, and veggies


You don’t have to starve or resort to eating once daily, to lose weight. You will only harm yourself. In addition, the truth is, that no food will cause you to lose weight, what matters is the overall diet. Replace the high-calorie foods with low-calorie substitutes as seen above. This plan will work if they make up the majority of your diet plan and are eaten in the right quantity.

Also, another tip is, to drink as much water as possible. Water makes you fuller. So, take as much water as you can, before and after eating your favourite food for weight loss. 

Read Also: 7 Side Effects of Not Drinking Enough Water


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