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HomeSkin CareHow to Get Glowing Skin - 9 Soothing Remedies to Try

How to Get Glowing Skin – 9 Soothing Remedies to Try

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How to get glowing skin is the question that most people ask when they see someone or a celebrity with a perfect skin glow. The largest organ we have is our skin, so we have to take care of it just as we take care of other parts of the internal body system.


The sign of health and vitality is glowing radiant skin. Dry and dull skin makes one feel less confident and feels less than their best.

The secret on how to get glowing skin cannot be gotten from even the best high-end foundation or highlighter palette. Makeup can only fake that dewy perfect look for a short time. 


To be frank, no matter how critical and carefully you chose your makeup or skincare products, they are not to be compared to the original ingredients like aloe vera, lemon, turmeric, papaya, etc.


We all aspire to get glowing skin through natural methods or product-based methods. There are factors that cause our skin to become dry, and dull, like drinking alcohol, smoking, ultraviolet rays from the sun, sleep acne, depression, and other work-related scenarios. 


At times, getting away from the above factors can be really difficult, but with homemade natural remedies, we can get glowing skin that looks young, healthy, and flawless.

If you are wondering how to whip up the perfect concoction for your skin, we are here to help you with some useful tips. These solutions are a slow and sure process that may not produce immediate results but will work better to improve the health of your skin in the long run than other temporary skincare fixes. 

Read on to find out more! Here are some steps to take in your daily routine and get the best glowing skin.

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1. Cleaning The Skin

The skin secretes oil which can clog the pores, for example, dirt particles from smoke, etc can all clog the skin pores, thereby causing skin dullness. Washing the face at least twice a day is a good habit to get glowing skin. You can also make use of a face cleanser to clean up the skin. Washing or cleaning the skin is very effective if you are looking for how to get glowing skin.


2. Always Exfoliate Your Skin

Another method on how to get glowing skin is through exfoliation. The skin sheds dead cells naturally so as to give way to new skin cells. Most of the time, these dead skin cells don’t shed off completely, that is where exfoliation plays its part.


One of the best ways to brighten the skin and boost up glowing skin is by exfoliating. Exfoliation is the removal of the outer skin layer that is dry, flaky dead cells so that the surface of the skin is smoother, clearer, and reflects light. 


Exfoliating brightens up the skin, reduces the appearance of discoloration, and reduces breakouts. In addition, exfoliation opens your pores for moisturizing products to access deeply into your skin which makes them more effective. After exfoliating, you will notice that your skin feels softer, fresher, and glowing. When it comes to how to get glowing skin, you do not want to skip exfoliating.

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Apply either a physical exfoliant, like a face scrub, two to three times per week or a chemical exfoliator, such as a face peel, once per week for sensitive or dry skin and three times maximum for other skin types.


3. Make Water Your Best Friend

Drinking water is another secret on how to get glowing skin. The skin uses 65% of water in the body. When there is not enough water in the body, the skin shrinks thereby getting cranky and dull. The skin needs enough water to keep the cell replenished. Water also keeps the skin hydrated and refreshed which in turn maintains the skin’s elasticity which makes you get glowing skin.

If you drink water a lot, you are likely not to suffer from wrinkles, and scars and you will hardly show signs of aging, unlike those who drink less water. See the side effects of not drinking enough water


4. Skin Moisturizing

Moisturizing your skin allows you to reduce the chance of developing extreme dryness or oiliness.

By applying a moisturizer to your skin, you maintain your skin’s moisture barrier and prevent environmental damage to your skin.

Although a moisturizer can allow you to have softer, more elastic skin that keeps your skin hydrated and makes you get glowing skin, it is important for you to avoid chemical-based moisturizers.

There are lots of artificial and chemical-based moisturizers on the market, please stay away from them as they pose more harm than good.

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5. Make Use Of SPF Daily

You must have heard this a million times, but wearing SPF daily cannot be over-emphasized. The best way to get glowing skin and prolong a healthy skin even during winter is the regular use of SPF. If you know you are stepping outside under the sun, then you need your SPF at all times. 90% of wrinkles are gotten from sun exposure. Look for a formula that offers broad-spectrum protection to guard against UVA rays (the ones that cause premature aging) and UVB rays (one of the main causes of skin cancer).


Home Remedies For Getting Glowing Skin


1. Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It eliminates the harmful free radicals that are damaging the skin. It also enhances collagen production and keeps your skin glowing. Tumeric makes the skin shine bright making your skin look amazing.

How to use

  1.   Mix turmeric powder together with gram flour.
  2.   Add enough milk or water to the mixture to form a paste.
  3.   Apply this paste to your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4.   Rinse with plain water.
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Repeat this process 1 to 2 times a week.


2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gell has nourishing and healing properties that rejuvenate the skin to give it a natural glow. Aloe vera can help you get glowing skin that radiates naturally.

How to use

  1. Mix your aloe vera gel, turmeric, milk, and honey altogether.
  2. Apply the mixture to the face and neck evenly.
  3.   Leave it on for about 20 minutes.
  4.   Rinse with lukewarm water and clean dry.

Apply this face mask 1 or 2 times a week.


3. Baking Soda 

Baking soda helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and neutralizes the skin’s pH which helps you achieve your aim to get glowing skin. Baking soda also has antibacterial properties that can help prevent infection.

Note: Baking soda may irritate your skin. Hence, do a patch test before proceeding with this remedy.

How to use

  1.   Mix a teaspoon of baking soda, extra virgin olive oil, and honey. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
  2.   Apply the mixture to your damp face and neck using circular motions.
  3.   Leave it on for 10 minutes.
  4.   Rinse with cool water and pat dry. Moisturize as usual.

Apply this face mask once a week.


4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a great oil that helps get glowing skin. Coconut oil massage works best for dry and dull skin. Coconut oil helps lock in moisture in the skin and also nourishes it with essential fatty acids. It also protects your skin from UV radiation and enhances skin barrier function. coconut oil can make your skin glow.

How to use

  1.    Warm up your coconut oil slightly and apply it to the face and neck.
  2.   Massage for a few minutes in gentle circular motions.
  3.   Leave the oil on overnight.
  4.   You can add some sugar to the oil and use it as a scrub to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week.

Use coconut oil every night before going to bed


5. Papaya

Ripe papaya or Paw-Paw contains papain, an enzyme that acts as a mild exfoliator. This gently removes some of the top layers of dead cells on the face and makes your skin radiant and younger-looking. Paw-Paw cleanses and tones the skin, and improves the complexion thereby making you get glowing skin. It also reduces the blemishes on the skin. This mixture acts as a skin firming and anti-aging mask.

How to use

  1.   Take a ripe Paw Paw and cut it into small pieces.
  2.   Add the Fuller’s earth and honey to it.
  3.   Mix all of them to get a paste-like consistency.
  4.   Apply it all over your face and neck.
  5.   Keep it on for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

Do this once every week.


6. Lemon

Lemon contains vitamin C that bleaches and removes tan, making your skin appear brighter and radiant. A mixture of lemon and sugar can serve as an exfoliator to get rid of dead skin.

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How to use

  1. Mix Lemon and sugar together and apply the mixture to your face.
  2. Scrub in a circular motion and leave it on for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water to reveal glowing skin.

Repeat this 2 times a week.

Note: Lemon juice may make your skin photosensitive. Please apply sunscreen before stepping out.


7. Cucumber

Cucumber is cooling for the skin. It replenishes and rejuvenates dull skin with its antioxidants. It also improves complexion and reduces swelling. Cucumber has the properties to help you get glowing skin.

How to use

  1.   Grate cucumber and add yogurt to it. Blend well.
  2.   Apply it to your face and neck.
  3.   Leave it on for five minutes until it dries, then wash it off with cold water.

Repeat this once every 3 to 4 days.


8. Ubtan

Ubtan is basically a face pack recipe for healthy and glowing skin that has been passed down through generations. The combination of this recipe gives a beautiful glowing colour. The coarseness of the lentils, rice, and oatmeal will remove dirt and dead cells from the skin. Turmeric can fade blemishes and give the skin a natural glow. Almonds also nourish the skin with essential oils to keep it hydrated.

How to use

  1.   Grind the lentils, rice, and almonds together.
  2.   Add the oatmeal and turmeric powder to the powdered mixture.
  3.   Mix well and add enough water or rose water to make a smooth paste.
  4.   Apply this paste evenly on the face and neck. You can also apply this pack all over the body. Let the pack dry.
  5.   Wash with normal water.

Use this Ubtan once in 7-10 days.


9. Honey

Honey moisturizes your skin, retards wrinkle formation, and keeps it looking young and glowing. Honey has soothing and humectant effects.

How to use

  1.   Apply honey evenly on clean and damp skin.
  2.   Massage it for a few minutes and leave it on for another five minutes.
  3.   Wash the honey off with lukewarm water.

You can do this every other day.


Final Note

If you are searching the web on how to get glowing skin, it means you are paying attention to your skin which is very important. 

However, for you to really get good glowing skin, you need to also work on your stress level, nutritional deficiencies, and hormone imbalances, including other health challenges as they can make achieving glowing skin a bit challenging.

You should also try speaking to your dermatologist or primary care provider if you’re concerned about the way your skin looks. Because sometimes, flaky, dull, dry, or patchy skin can be a symptom of other health conditions.


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