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HomeFoodHigh-Protein Bread- 6 Important Facts You Should Know

High-Protein Bread- 6 Important Facts You Should Know

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Ok, let us establish this from the jump: high-protein bread is a type of bread that has high protein content. Meaning the protein content is higher than that of regular loaves. 

High protein bread is ideal for athletes, factory workers, or anyone participating in many physical activities. 

Besides having higher protein content than regular loaves of bread, protein bread is healthier. However, protein bread is not just high in protein, it is also high in fibre. 

Also, you must realize that high-protein bread is a family name. There are different types of protein bread in the market. 

In this article, we will be discussing the following:

  • Types of Protein bread
  • Factors to consider when buying protein bread
  • Health benefits of consuming protein bread
  • Some of the downsides of constantly taking too much proteinous food
  • How to make a homemade high-protein bread

 With that being said, let us begin.

4 Types of Protein Bread

Oat Bread

Oats are delicious whole grains that encourage weight loss. Oat bread is both delicious and highly proteinous. 

The bread is made by adding oat grain to the dough. As a result, the bread supplies the body with an impressive amount of macronutrients. 

In addition,  the bread is also rich in fibre—the fibre assists with seamless digestion. Generally, you should only use whole wheat flour to bake oat bread. You can adjust the ratio of the wheat to oat.

Quinoa Bread

Quinoa Bread is one of the healthiest loaves of bread on the market. It is gluten-free and rich in protein and carbohydrates. 

Interestingly, this plant-based bread has all 9 essential amino acids. This is why it is fondly referred to as a superfood. 

Homemade quinoa bread is made from finely ground quinoa powder. 

Rye Bread

Rye bread is another popular and healthy protein bread. According to USDA data, the bread has a protein level of 9g per 100g portion. 

The bread also contains an impressive amount of fibre. Depending on what you want, there are different varieties of this protein bread regarding flour to rye ratio. 

Flax Bread

Flax seeds are protein-rich seeds added to a variety of dishes and drinks. They add flavour to these dishes and are very healthy. Flax bread is made by adding flaxseed to the bread dough before baking. In addition, the seeds are rich in fibre and promote healthy bowel movements and prevent constipation

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How to choose high-protein bread

There are so many brands of high-protein bread. This makes shopping challenging because you don’t know which to go with. This section will discuss some things you should consider when buying high-protein bread. 


It is called protein bread for a reason. So, there must be protein in any high-protein bread you buy. Besides maintaining the skeletal muscles and tissues, protein also helps with weight management. In addition, proteins leave you satisfied for a more extended period.  


Most pieces of bread baked with whole grains are rich in fibre and protein. Fiber is excellent for food digestion, and it prevents construction. In addition, fibres nourish the intestinal flora and keep you satiated for long periods. Make sure you look out for fibre when buying any bread. You will find information on the wrapper.  

Added sugars

Most processed food, including bread, contain added sugar to improve its taste. However, an ess consumption of this sugar can cause health complications. To avoid unwanted sugars, eat processed food in moderation. Or prevent them entirely. 

Artificial flavourings and additives

Most loaves of bread are highly processed and refined. If you dislike additives, make sure the bread you go for is additive-free.

5 Health Benefits of Protein Bread

Protects the skeletal muscles 

Sarcopenia is a medical condition caused by a loss in muscle mass. It is common amongst older people.

Eating a reasonable amount of protein-rich meals keeps the muscles functional and strong. In addition, protein helps the muscles recover from stress and strain. 

Studies have shown that the demand for dietary protein increases with age. Besides sarcopenia, protein helps the muscles recover from stress and strain. 

Also, you need to consume a lot of protein if you are physically active. This is because protein prevents the loss of muscle mass during weight loss.  

Obesity management

Protein-rich meals, like protein bread, leave you satiated for more extended periods. This is because protein suppresses the level of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and increases the level of peptide YY (the hormone that keeps you satiated). In addition, peptide YY reduces the chances of overeating because you are satisfied. 

Prevents heart-related diseases

Besides protein, protein bread also contains a fair amount of fibre. Research has shown that fibre reduces the level of serum cholesterol. In addition, an increase in the consumption of dietary fibre is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular diseases. 

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In addition, fibre increases the removal of bile acid from the body and prevents the liver from synthesizing fatty acids. 

Promotes brain health

High protein bread is rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B plays a vital role in the neurochemical synthesis and impacts the brain’s cognitive function. 

Vitamin B reduces the level of homocysteine in the plasma. A high level of homocysteine in the plasma can lead to brain atrophy. Atrophy affects the brain’s cognitive function. 

 Brain shrinkage increases the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, and other cognitive-related disorders. 

Helps to manage colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is cancer that affects the colon and rectum. It is the third most common cancer in the world. Many studies suggest that dietary fibre found in high-protein bread reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

 The fibre increases bowel movement, reduces the chances of suffering from constipation, and increases the elimination of harmful substances. In addition, dietary fibre improves intestinal flora. 

Disadvantages of Taking Too Much Protein

Protein is the building block for all biological cells in the body. In addition, it helps replenish worn-out muscles and tissues. Protein also provides energy to the body when the fat and carbohydrate levels are down. 

However, everything with an advantage has a disadvantage. Just like every other nutrient, the excessive consumption of protein over a long period has some adverse effects. Here are some of the disadvantages of consuming too much protein:

Kidney Disease

Excess protein consumption increases the level of nitrogen in the body. When this happens, the kidney has to overwork itself to eliminate the excess nitrogen. Protein-rich food also causes complications in patients suffering from kidney-related diseases. 


Studies have shown that certain proteinous foods cause cancer. For example, proteins like meat are associated with colon cancer. Mind you, this is not to say that eating meat is bad or that if you eat meat, you will have colon cancer. If you must eat meat, consume it in moderation. 


A person will have osteoporosis when their bones become soft and fragile. In addition, excess consumption of protein can weaken the bone. This is because protein causes the kidney to eliminate large quantities of calcium from the body. 

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 The bone needs calcium to stay strong. So when the calcium level drops, it affects the bone. Soft bones are vulnerable to fractures. 

 Kidney Stones

The kidney is vulnerable to kidney stones when it has to eliminate large quantities of calcium. 

How To Prepare Homemade Protein Bread

Like any other bread, protein bread can be made at home. The process is simple and rewarding. Here is how you can bake a delicious loaf of protein bread:


  • Yeast
  • A cup of oil
  • Egg
  • Sugar
  • Liquid milk
  • Texturized soy protein
  • Saly
  • Flour 


  1. Pour milk into a large pot and let it simmer.
  2.  Add salt to the pot of milk and stir.
  3. Add soy protein to the pot.
  4. Stir the mixture till everything dissolves
  5. Allow the mixture to cool.
  6. Blend the milk mixture with yeast till it is consistent
  7. Pour the milk and yeast mixture into a bowl.
  8. Pour the flour into the bowl and mix. 
  9. Use bare hands to massage the dough till it is sticky
  10. Cover the bowl of dough and keep it in a warm place to rise for 30 minutes to 1 hour
  11. Cut the dough into the desired shape
  12. Preheat the oven
  13. Put the rolled dough in the oven to bake for 20 minutes.
  14. The bread is baked and ready for consumption. 

How To Store Homemade High-Protein Bread

Store in a cool and dry place. Your bread can last for as long as 7 days when properly stored. 


 Firstly, high protein bread is not the name of one bread but a family name for a variety of bread with high protein content. 

The bread is ideal for anyone who participates in many physical activities like exercising. However, patients with kidney complications should not take high protein bread.

Some of the benefits of eating protein bread include:

  • Weight management
  • Skeletal muscle management
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • Prevents and manages colorectal cancer
  • It improves brain health and prevents cognitive damage like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, et cetera. 

Also, before you buy any brand of protein bread, check the label to ensure the constituents suit your requirement.  


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