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HomeHealth & wellnessHow To Treat High Blood Pressure

How To Treat High Blood Pressure

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Definition and Causes

When the force of blood against the walls of arteries is continuously high, it is referred to as high blood pressure. This disease can be caused by a number of reasons, including heredity, poor diet, obesity, and excessive alcohol intake. Smoking and stress are two other factors in the problem. Stick with me and you will know how to treat high blood pressure.

Although taking medication might be required to control high blood pressure, living a healthy lifestyle might help avoid, delay, or minimize the need for medicine. 

High blood pressure rarely has symptoms, yet it greatly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. The goal blood pressure for most persons is less than 120/80 mm Hg; a measurement between 120 and 129 over less than 80 is regarded as high. Physicians may suggest lifestyle modifications to control blood. pressure. These are eighteen practical methods for lowering blood pressure.

Treat High Blood Pressure

Risk Factors

The risk of high blood pressure is increased by specific factors. By being aware of these risk factors, one can successfully manage the disease and take preventive steps. Additionally, changing one’s lifestyle and being aware of these risk factors can help lower the chances of having high blood pressure and improve management of it if it develops. Here’s a detailed look at some of the key risk factors:

1. Age: As we become older, the elastic nature of our blood vessels naturally decreases, which facilitates an increase in blood pressure. This explains why elderly persons are more likely to have high blood pressure. Although it can happen at any age, beyond the ages of 45 for males and 65 for women, the risk dramatically increases.

2. Family History: Genetics is a major factor in the development of hypertension. If you have close relatives with hypertension, such as parents or siblings, you are more likely to develop the condition. The way your body controls blood pressure might be affected by genetic factors, increasing your risk of developing hypertension.

3. Being Fat or Overweight: Gaining too much weight puts extra strain on your heart and blood vessels. Your body needs more blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to your tissues the heavier you are. Higher blood pressure results from this increased blood flow through your blood vessels, which puts additional strain on the artery walls. 

4. Sedentary Lifestyle: High blood pressure is one of the health issues that are worsened by a sedentary lifestyle. Increased stress, a faster heartbeat, and weight gain are all consequences of physical inactivity that can lead to hypertension. Frequent exercise improves the heart’s ability to use oxygen, which can lower blood pressure.

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5. High Salt Intake: Your body may retain fluid as a result of consuming too much salt (sodium), which raises blood pressure. Fast food, processed foods, and a lot of restaurant meals frequently have excessive salt content. Blood pressure can be controlled by consuming less salt by cooking more meals at home and using low-sodium foods.

Chronic Conditions

The following long-term medical disorders may raise the risk of high blood pressure:

  • Diabetes: Elevated blood sugar levels over time deteriorate blood arteries, raising the possibility of hypertension. This risk can be decreased by controlling blood sugar levels with food, exercise, and medication.
  • Kidney disease: By regulating the body’s fluid levels, the kidneys assist in blood pressure regulation. An elevated blood pressure level may result from their malfunction. Controlling hypertension requires effectively treating and managing renal disease. 

Other Factors That Can Cause High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can also be caused by a number of different reasons, including:

  • Gender: Women are more prone to acquire high blood pressure after menopause, whereas men are more likely to do so before the age of 55.
  • Race: African Americans are more likely than people of other races to have high blood pressure, and they frequently do so at an earlier age.
  • Stress: Prolonged stress can raise blood pressure momentarily and trigger unhealthy coping strategies like smoking or overeating, which raises the risk even more.
  • Use of Alcohol and Tobacco: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption both increase blood pressure. Reducing alcohol consumption and giving up smoking are crucial measures in the management of hypertension. 

treat high blood pressure

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The majority of people who have high blood pressure don’t exhibit any symptoms. Some, meanwhile, may get nosebleeds, dyspnea, or headaches. A sphygmomanometer is used to measure blood pressure in order to diagnose high blood pressure. For early detection and treatment, routine examinations are essential. 

Lifestyle Changes To Treat High Blood Pressure

1. Healthy Diet (DASH Diet)

The goal of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is to lower blood pressure. It cuts back on added sugars, red meat, and salt in favor of nutritious grains, fruits, and lean meats.

Foods To Keep Clear Of

Eat less sugar, salt, and saturated fats if you want to control your high blood pressure. Restrictions should be placed on processed foods, fast food, and sugary beverages.

2. Frequent Exercise

Regular exercise has been shown to help decrease blood pressure. Walking, running, swimming, and cycling are examples of aerobic exercises that are especially advantageous.

Aim for 150 minutes a week or 75 minutes a week of strenuous activity or moderate aerobic activity. It can also be beneficial to do strength training activities at least twice a week. 

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3. Weight Management

Sustaining a healthy weight is essential for blood pressure management. Being overweight puts additional strain on the heart, which raises blood pressure. A balanced diet, frequent exercise, and portion control should be your main priorities. Weight loss efforts might be aided by setting reasonable objectives and monitoring progress.

4. Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much alcohol can cause blood pressure to rise. Reducing consumption is crucial for controlling high blood pressure. Women should only have one drink of alcohol each day, while males should only have two. In order to avoid blood pressure increases, moderation is essential. 

5. Quitting Smoking

Smoking causes blood pressure to rise and destroys blood vessels. One of the best ways to control hypertension and enhance general health is to give up smoking.

Take into consideration prescription drugs, support groups, and nicotine replacement therapy. Behavioral therapy and a solid support network can also be beneficial.

6. Reducing Stress

High blood pressure can be worsened by ongoing stress. Maintaining appropriate blood pressure levels requires finding practical strategies for stress management.

Engage in relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, and deep breathing. Stress can also be decreased by taking up hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and getting enough sleep.

Treat High Blood Pressure

Medical Treatments For High Blood Pressure

1. Medications

Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, and beta-blockers are some of the drugs that can be used to treat high blood pressure.

In order to lower blood pressure, these drugs either relax blood arteries, decrease blood volume, or slow the heart rate. The optimal medication will be chosen by your doctor based on your particular needs.

2. Monitoring Blood Pressure

For the purpose of tracking blood pressure and making necessary adjustments to treatment strategies, routine medical checkups are crucial.

Using a home blood pressure monitor can help track your blood pressure between doctor visits. Keeping a log of your readings can provide valuable information for your healthcare provider.

Alternative Treatments and Natural Remedies

1. Herbal Supplements

Some herbal supplements, such as garlic, hawthorn, and fish oil, are believed to help lower blood pressure. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplements.

Herbal supplements can differ in terms of their safety and efficacy. Always select high-quality products, and pay close attention to dosage instructions.

2. Acupuncture

Thin needles are inserted into specific body points during the ancient Chinese therapy of acupuncture. According to certain research, it may help decrease blood pressure by enhancing circulation and encouraging relaxation.

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There is some evidence to support the use of acupuncture as a supplemental treatment for hypertension, but further research is needed. It’s critical to get therapy from a licensed professional.

3. Lifestyle and Dietary Supplements

Herbal supplements are not the only natural therapies that can help control blood pressure. Other cures include decreasing sodium intake, boosting potassium intake, and practicing mindfulness to handle stress.

Living With High Blood Pressure

Daily Management Tips

Taking care of high blood pressure requires regular dedication. Adhere to a nutritious diet, take recommended drugs, get regular exercise, and check your blood pressure at home.

Importance of Support Networks

Having a solid support system in place might help with high blood pressure management. Support networks, friends, and family can offer accountability and encouragement.

Long-term Health Considerations

In order to avoid consequences, high blood pressure must be managed over the long term. Maintaining health requires regular check-ups, lifestyle modifications, and treatment plan implementation.


Changes in lifestyle, prescription medications, and routine monitoring are all part of managing high blood pressure. You can successfully manage your blood pressure and lower your risk of major health issues by eating a balanced diet and doing as your doctor advises. Decide to put your general health and heart health first right now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the normal range for blood pressure?

The normal range for blood pressure is usually around 120/80 mmHg. Anything above 130/80 mmHg is considered high and may require intervention.

Can high blood pressure be cured?

High blood pressure can often be managed and controlled with lifestyle changes and medication, but it is usually a chronic disease that requires ongoing treatment.

How does salt affect blood pressure?

Eating too much salt causes fluid retention in the body and raises blood pressure. A low-salt diet can help lower blood pressure.

Is high blood pressure hereditary?

Yes, high blood pressure can be genetic. If you have a family history of high blood pressure, you may be at higher risk and should monitor your blood pressure regularly.

What are the best foods for lowering blood pressure?

Foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, can help lower blood pressure. The DASH diet is an excellent guide for heart-healthy eating.


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