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HomeHealth & Medical NewsOpen Gutters, a Major Cause For Medical Concern State- Medical Practitioners

Open Gutters, a Major Cause For Medical Concern State- Medical Practitioners

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Medical practitioners State have pointed to open Gutters as one of the leading causes of poor health in the commercial capital of Africa’s most populous country. Speaking anonymously to Pottage of Health, two medical practitioners flayed the issue, arguing that it provides easy breeding grounds for communicable and incommunicable diseases.


In Lagos, open gutters are a common sight. These gutters are often filled with stagnant water, which provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. As a result, they contribute significantly to the spread of malaria in the city. Malaria is a serious health concern, and efforts to curb the spread of the disease have been ongoing for years. Therefore, the persistence of open gutters continues to pose a significant challenge to these efforts.


“Open gutters are a major contributor to the spread of malaria. They also serve as a reservoir for other waterborne diseases like cholera and typhoid fever. It is important that we prioritize proper sanitation and hygiene practices in order to prevent the transmission of these illnesses. It is a major problem currently and both the people and the Government are not doing enough to solve this issue, we might have a crisis at hand if something is not done soon,” said a medical expert who spoke anonymously to Pottage of Health.


Malaria is a disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite, which is spread through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Symptoms of the disease include fever, headache, and fatigue, and in severe cases, it can lead to organ failure and death., malaria is a major public health concern, and efforts to control its spread have been ongoing for years. The government has implemented various measures, including the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets, the use of indoor residual spraying, and the provision of antimalarial drugs. Despite these efforts, malaria continues to be a significant health challenge in the city.

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One of the major contributors to the spread of malaria is the presence of open gutters. These gutters are often filled with stagnant water, which provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, and the larvae that hatch from these eggs thrive in stagnant water. As a result, open gutters provide the perfect environment for mosquitoes to breed and multiply.


Another medical expert who works with the Lagoon Hospital pointed out the hygiene problems that the open gutters cause, “these open gutters cause poor hygiene conditions which directly leads to an increase in patients suffering from various illnesses which includes malaria.”


He further talked about how these gutters provide a perfect condition for mosquitoes larvae to grow,” it creates the perfect environment for mosquito larvae to grow and thrive. As a result, communities with open gutters are at a much higher risk for malaria transmission, it is alarming that a vast majority of Lagos suffers this fate, not even the Victor-Island is safe,” he said.


The problem of open gutters is a complex one. There are many factors that contribute to their persistence, including poor waste management practices, inadequate drainage systems, and a lack of enforcement of regulations. Many residents of the city also contribute to the problem by dumping waste and refuse into the gutters, which further exacerbates the issue.


These efforts to address the problem of open gutters have seen the government investing in various initiatives aimed at improving waste management and providing better drainage systems. These initiatives includes the construction of new drainage channels, the desilting of existing channels, and the introduction of stricter waste management regulations.

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However, despite these efforts, the problem of open gutters persists. In many parts of the city, open gutters remain a common sight, and they continue to pose a significant threat to public health. The persistence of the problem is due in part to a lack of resources and capacity to implement and enforce regulations.


To address the problem of open gutters, it is essential that all stakeholders work together. The government must provide the necessary resources and capacity to implement and enforce regulations, while residents of the city must also play their part by adhering to waste management regulations and disposing of waste properly. Additionally, community-based initiatives that promote the proper management of waste and the maintenance of clean environments can also play a significant role in addressing the problem.


In conclusion, open gutters pose a significant threat to public health, particularly in the spread of malaria. Efforts to address the problem has been ongoing for years, but the persistence of the problem highlights the need for a comprehensive approach that involves all stakeholders. By working together, it is possible to address the problem of open gutters and reduce the incidence of malaria in the city.


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