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HomeSkin Care11 Natural Skincare Routine for Black Skin

11 Natural Skincare Routine for Black Skin

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Black skin is natural and beautiful, and if you are black-skinned you must have had a lot of compliments about your skin. It is amazing how good vibrant colours look on black skin.

Now the challenge is to make your skin look more beautiful and amazing. When your black skin shines and you have heads turn as you go, the feeling is extraordinary. Come along as I take you on a ride on this natural skincare routine for black skin to help you take care of your black skin naturally without changing it.

Natural Skincare Routine for Black Skin

Let’s look at what you can do to make your black skin glow naturally:

1. Always Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliation of the skin is one of the essential parts of the Natural skincare routine for black skin which makes skin glow, but many people neglect that part and use a moisturizer on top of dead cell skin. Now let me shock you; do you know that every 28 – 30 days your skin removes dead skin cells and gives way for new ones? And those cells don’t completely shed off.

At this point, you now need to exfoliate your skin. The work of exfoliation is to smoothen the surface of your skin by removing dry and dead cells which allow you to get a steady skin tone. Whenever you exfoliate your skin you reveal a new cell that shows your soft and glowing skin. After exfoliating your skin, you moisturize it to make your skin look better. If you truly want to make your black skin glow, exfoliating your skin should be a must.

Here Is How You Can Make Your Exfoliator.

  • Brown sugar exfoliator: One teaspoon of brown sugar and a teaspoon of honey, mix both and apply on your body, leave for 15-20 minutes then wash off. Do this at least once a week.
  • Brightening lemon exfoliator: Serve a spoon of lemon juice in a bowl, add half a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey, and stir. Add sugar, stir and apply on your body for 10-15 minutes and wash off then apply your moisturizer.


2. Face Scrub

The skin on your face is more delicate than the one on your body and as such, you can’t use your body scrub as a face scrub. The face has its scrub.

Below is how you can make your face scrub;

  • Grind oatmeal to a powder form using a food processor.
  • Use a microwave to warm your honey to make it lighter to mix.
  • Mix the two ingredients in a bowl.
  • Apply it to your face and leave for a minute or two.
  • Then wash off with lukewarm water.

So try as much as you can to make exfoliating your Natural skincare routine for your black skin to make your skin glow.

3. Always Drink Water 

I know you might be thinking what has water got to do with skin glow, like how are they related? 😳 Now relax and continue reading if you really want to know the natural skincare routine for black skin 😊.

It may interest you to know that your skin contains 64% of water. So what do you think happens if you don’t take enough water? 

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If you do not drink enough water, your skin tends to shrink, dry and cranky which will make you look older.

With water, your skin feels so happy and is hydrated, restored and this helps to sustain your skin’s elasticity and makes it glow. 

The people that drink plenty of water hardly suffer from scars, wrinkles.      It hardly shows when they are ageing, unlike people who drink less amount of water.

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4. Always Use Moisturizer

Nobody likes to be a part of a committee of ashiness, and the best way to battle that is by using a moisturizer! Using a moisturizer helps you to curtail the chance of formulating drastic dryness or oiliness.

Moreover, when you apply a moisturizer to your dark skin, you sustain your skin’s moisture obstacle and avoid environmental harm to your skin. 

Moisturizer can enable you to retain softer skin, better flexible skin, retain your skin hydration. 

It’s vital to use moisturizers that don’t have many chemicals that will do more havoc to your dark skin than good.

Some organic products in the market are very harmless to your dark skin, it’s better to use them.


5. Cleanse Your Skin Daily 

If you want to get the best natural skincare routine for black skin, then you cannot avoid cleaning your skin on a daily basis.

No matter the kind of skin type you have,  it will not be a bad idea if you washed your face at least twice a day, especially in the morning when you wake up and night before you go to bed to remove all the dirt, oil, makeup, and soot piled up on your skin all through the day.

Now you may ask, must I cleanse my body every day? What is the advantage of cleansing every day? How does cleansing every day benefit when it comes to how to make black skin glow naturally? From sweat to particles in the environment, your skin unnecessarily faces many outward attackers.

 So when you cleanse your skin daily, you eliminate every prior trace of dirt, excess oil, breakdown, and undesirable dead skin cells that are in your body and face.

Nevertheless, be careful not to overdo it. Over cleansing smears your skin from its natural oils and shielding barrier, which can cause dryness, sensitivity, discomfort and this will make your skin even worse than the way it was before.

You don’t need to wipe your skin too severely or overstress it when it comes to wiping your body and face.

Never miss utilizing a face wash and body wash specifically made for your skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive and mature). For instance, if you have oily skin, you will not want to clean your face or body with a cleanser that is oil-based as this will only make your skin more oily, which can cause inflammations.


6. Exercise

Another natural skincare routine for black skin is exercise.

Exercising is another vital ingredient that makes your skin glow but many people neglect it, it may be because many people don’t know this part.

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Do you know that exercise helps you nourish your skin cells and retain its vitality?

Yes,  exercising helps enhance your skin tone and is tremendous when you talk about how to make black skin glow naturally. Aerobic exercise will make you sweat, which stimulates the reduction of toxins through perspiration.

Furthermore, exercise tones the skin and enhances blood circulation to the skin, and improves a decent glow.

Exercising enhances your blood flow which nurtures skin cells and therefore makes skin brighter.

There are so many benefits to exercising, and one of those benefits is making your black skin glow naturally.


7. Always Get a Good Sleep.

Don’t be surprised when I say get a good sleep because sleep is part of the ingredient needed in making your dark skin glow.

A protein called collagen performs as one of the fundamental building hurdles for your skin.

It helps your skin to remain younger looking and enhance skin texture, but here’s the fact: Skin gives rise to fresh collagen when you sleep, and that’s not the only reason you need sleep. Sleep also decreases swollen eyes and dark loops underneath your eyes. And trust me when I say you don’t want your skin glowing and your eyes swollen and red.

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8. Protect Your Skin With Sunscreen.

I know that black does not sunburn so easily, but know that black skin still burns and is vulnerable to sun-generated damages like sunspots and wrinkles, and even skin cancer. No matter the kind of skin tone you have,  you need to always put on sunscreen.

As someone who has black, skin, one of the vastest efforts for sunscreen and black skin is that some sunscreens can give you this awful white cast over your skin, which makes you not look as cute you want to.

I will like you to know that sunscreen is as important as your moisturizer 

There is every need to wear sunscreen. Why? Well, Sunscreen delivers enhanced safety against UV rays defect, and skin harm that leads to pale-looking skin.

UV defect can be one of the main tea planations as to why your skin looks pale, so it’s best to wear sunscreen whenever you are going out. Even if you are going in a car.


9. Try to Control Your Oily Skin.

The People that have dark skin always have mostly oily skin as well. You will still need to always use moisturizer, but the oil can be controlled on your skin by applying some amount of any good oil-control product you can lay your hands on before you moisturize your skin with a light and non-oily moisturizer. By doing this, your skin will be hydrated at all times, and you won’t need to worry yourself with oiled-looking skin later in the day.


10. Put Hyperpigmentation Treatment Into Consideration

Hyperpigmentation is the darkening of skin or nails that are not natural and it’s caused by melanin. This can involve people with any skin type or tone.

Though sunscreen can reduce or prevent new hyperpigmentation from formulating, it can not get rid of surviving dark spots that are already there before. Although, it can help to prevent surviving dark spots from being darker.

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To decrease the formation of a surviving dark spot, you can specialize in some particular products. These generally include elements such as:

  • Hydroquinone: Products that contain hydroquinone can put end to the generation of excess melanin, and this can cause dark spots on your body.
  • Kojic dip: This particular product is a skin lighter that can help to reduce dark spots in the body but kojic dip may be less beneficial. So be careful when using to avoid future damages to the skin.
  • Vitamin C: Some researchers suggest that vitamin C, an antioxidant, can decrease hyperpigmentation, can also safeguard against sun damage, and even enhance collagen levels. Regardless, vitamin C has a poor proficiency to run through the skin, so further research into its usefulness for these motives is of necessity.

Please whenever you are using these products listed above, you should trade with caution, especially hydroquinone and kojic dip. In other to avoid hyperpigmentation or other skin conditions to your dark beautiful skin.

It is vital not to use hydroquinone for a long period. Try to take a break after 2 or 3 months of consecutive use.

After an extended duration of use, hydroquinone can develop darkening of the skin and or even dark eye circles. This is part of an ailment called exogenous ochronosis.


11. Make a Balanced Diet Your Daily Routine

Yes, another best way to take good care of your dark skin naturally is by eating a balanced diet, what enters your stomach through your mouth has a long way to make your skin glow.

Proper skin maintenance starts on the inside. To provide your skin the nutrients it needs to develop and rebuild itself, eat a healthy diet rich in vitamins and nutrients that can be gotten from fruits and veggies. 

I know it’s not easy sometimes, but try as much as possible to avoid processed and sugar-filled diets and limit your intake of alcohol, this may also assist to enhance your skin health. 

An intake of alcohol can make specific skin ailments, such as psoriasis, worse.

If you have a skin ailment such as acne or eczema, try and speak with a dermatologist to specify if there are any foods that you may take that may give rise to worsening the symptoms.

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Creating a good natural skincare routine can help keep black skin bright, succulent, and explicit.

As well as executing a mild daily routine and embracing a healthy diet, if you have black skin, you should strive to resist utilizing products that contain severe chemicals and fragrances.

Particular skin cases, like pimples and dark spots, benefit from swift remedy and preventive techniques. 

I sincerely hope this article has cleared your doubts and answered your questions about taking care of your natural black skin colour.


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