Health & wellness

10 Food That Gives Blood

Anaemia is when the body’s cells lose their energy supply as a result of low red blood cells, which supply food and oxygen to...

37 Food That Burns Belly Fat

The worst place to lose fat is the tummy. Belly fat can be so stubborn and life-threatening to your health. But with food that...

18 Uses Of Scent Leaf

Scent leaves are a tropical plant species that belongs to the family of Labiatae. Most people do not know the uses and benefits of...

How To Use Scent Leaf To Cure Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is an unfriendly infection that affects women in their private part. There are different ways to cure yeast infection, but in this...

Top 7 Proven Ways Mums Can Deal With Stress

Knowing how to deal with stress will help mothers to avoid the feeling of being stressed and overall, promote good health and increase their...

17 Health Benefits Of Drinking Bitter Leaf Water On An Empty Stomach

There are numerous health benefits of drinking bitter leaf water on an empty stomach. But before we talk about the health benefits, let's talk...

11 Healthy Sleep Hygiene Habits

If you find yourself staring at the ceiling, wondering if you will ever fall asleep, or maybe you wake up thinking that it’s time...

How To Have Quality Sleep At Night And Regain Your Energy

We have all had days when you hear the sound of your alarm, you open your eyes, and then you snuggle back into your...

How To Increase Breast Milk Supply Fast

Are you wondering why you are not producing enough breast milk for your little baby? And you are wondering how to increase breast milk...

10 Incredible Health Benefits Of Blueberry Juice

What do you know about blueberries? How often do you take them? Why should you consume them? In this article, we’ll cover what blueberries...


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