Innocent Ellah


What Are Greenhouses? Types, Benefits, And Cost

In a world where the weather and climatic conditions are very unstable, sustainability and self-sufficiency become very important for agricultural produce, — as a...

Facelift (Rhytidectomy): Types, Consideration, Preparation, and Cost

In a world that values and celebrates beauty, the desire for a youthful appearance has led many people to explore various cosmetic procedures that...

Banana Smoothie Recipe – Quick and Simple Smoothies

Banana Smoothie Recipe is a great choice of food anyone could easily prepare and try. It contains lots of benefits that are healthy for...

How to Get Glowing Skin – 9 Soothing Remedies to Try

How to get glowing skin is the question that most people ask when they see someone or a celebrity with a perfect skin glow....

6 tips for dealing with a toxic boss

If you are able to get some good tips for dealing with a toxic boss, then you might be able to really have a...

7 Amazing Benefits of Adding Mushrooms to Your Skincare Routine

There are so many benefits of adding mushrooms to your skincare routine that many people don't know. Mushrooms have different health benefits, both internal...

How to Get Rid of Pimples on Your Forehead – 9 Home Remedies to Try

Pimples on your forehead are a common skin condition that is mostly caused by oily or greasy products or personal care. Pimples mostly occur...

Benefits of Fruits and Veggies – How These 15 Fruits and Veggies Can Benefit Your Health.

What are the benefits of fruits and veggies to our health? Fruits and veggies are very essential to health – because the daily intake...

Healthy Intermittent Fasting and Keto Meal Plan For Beginners

Intermittent fasting is a way of reproducing our ancestral eating habits in modern life. This means cycling between daily intervals of not eating and...

14 High Blood Pressure Food to Avoid

What Is Hypertension/High Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into the arteries (blood...


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