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HomeHealth & wellness17 Health Benefits Of Drinking Bitter Leaf Water On An Empty Stomach

17 Health Benefits Of Drinking Bitter Leaf Water On An Empty Stomach

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There are numerous health benefits of drinking bitter leaf water on an empty stomach. But before we talk about the health benefits, let’s talk about what bitter leaf is. The bitter leaf plant is a bitter herbal vegetable that is commonly found in Africa. The plant is largely consumed by lots of people because of its importance and needs to the human body. The bitter leaf plant may be very bitter, but it is highly rich in protein, vitamins, and essential minerals like; potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and more.

The bitter leaf plant is mostly consumed raw by chewing or extracting its juice, it can also be used as a food recipe. Any way it is consumed, it nourishes the body with the required elements that are very important for the growth and a healthy body.

Drinking bitter leaf juice may not necessarily be the most fun thing to do in the world because of how bitter it tastes, but its bitter taste has very sweet benefits for your general wellbeing. Just by touching the bitter leaf plant can leave your hands tasting bitter for many hours. Do not be too scared because of how much i have emphasised about how bitter this plant is, read on to know the magic this plant does to your inner body and health.

The health benefits of drinking bitter leaf water on an empty stomach are so exciting and numerous. Below are the health benefits.


Health Benefits Of Drinking Bitter Leaf Water 


1.  Improves The Immune System:

Bitter leaf has lots of nutrients and elements that help the body to boost its immune system. This immune boost is best experienced when the leaf is consumed in its raw or juicy form.


2. Prevents Cancer:

Bitter leaf juice is a local herb that can help eradicate or prevent the possibility of prostate cancer. Bitter leaf contains numerous anti-cancer properties like andrographolide compound and it has been scientifically found to be effective when treating prostate cancers, gastric cancers, and colon cancer. Prostate cancer is an ailment that causes difficulty in urinating or painful urination for men. 

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer that affects older men but when it has to do with the treatment, bitter leaf proves very effective in treatment and prevention. Studies has also shown that bitter leaf extracted juice can inhibit tumor growth, boost the immune system and prevent the development of cancer cells. Bitter leaf fights and prevents cancer because of the high levels of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals such as flavonoids contribute to the preventative qualities of bitter leaf.

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3. Treats Malaria And Typhoid:

This powerful leaf for ages, has always been used to treat malaria and typhoid. Because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it can fight malaria parasites and typhoid.


4. Relieve Insomnia:

Some people are lucky to fall asleep as soon as they hit the pillow, but not everyone is that lucky. If you are among the numerous people who find it very difficult to fall asleep, bitter leaf is your holy grail. Bitter leaf has traditionally been used to help with treatment of insomnia. Drinking a cup of bitter leaf extract at night, before bed time brings on a calmness and relaxation that aids sleep.


5. Reduces High Blood Pressure:

The bitter taste in bitter leaf makes it unpleasant and unappetising, but the bitter taste is one of its strongest benefits. The bitter juice in bitter leaf helps to lower blood sugar level and also controls blood pressure. Hypertensive and diabetic patients are always advised to consume bitter leaf because the potassium it contains is a good remedy for hypertension as it prevents sodium from spiking up in the bloodstream by flushing out salt accumulation.


Health Benefits Of Drinking Bitter Leaf Water On An Empty Stomach

6. Gets Rid Of Pollutants And Purifies The Body:

If you develop the habit of always drinking bitter leaf juice, the juice will help your body system by eradicating toxins and pollutants that were ingested into the body by environmental factors. These toxins could be in the form of carbons from heavy machines and vehicles, cigarette smoke, fire wood smoke, airborne micro pathogens and so much more.


7. Fights Free Radicals:

The vitamin E that is present in bitter leaf serves as an antioxidant which fights against free radicals that have harmful effects on the body’s system.


8. Fights Common Infection And Sexually Transmitted Infection:

According to research, bitter leaf contain a natural component, they are Quinine and antibiotics. This components are very active in combating common infections in the body like Hepatitis B, skin infections and even to a large extent; sexually transmitted diseases.

Read Also: 20 Health Benefits of bitter leaf

9. Helps In Weight Loss:

When it comes to weight loss, do not joke with this power cleanser drink. The components in bitter leaf juice make it great therapy for burning off that extra fat you have always wanted to get rid of. Bitter leaf juice flushes those unwanted fat in the blood or vain. A daily dose of bitter leaf juice in your diet can eliminate bad cholesterol and reduce excess calories in the body.

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10. Cures Stomach  Upset / Aches:

In Africa, bitter leaf juice is widely used in treating stomach aches. It is a strong  remedy for cramps, menstrual pain, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dysentery and other gastrointestinal tract diseases. The minerals contained in the bitter leaf juice also helps to combat stomach infections and pathogens that can likely cause stomach ache. Drinking a cup of bitter leaf juice twice daily helps bring relief from stomach problems.


11. Improves The Liver And Kidney:

Bitter leaf flushes toxins from the body system and makes the organs remain healthy. Bitter leaf juice helps to nutrify and rejuvenate vital organs in the body which includes the liver and kidney. The continuous intake of this natural herb helps to maintain a healthy state of these organs and other organs as well.


12. Develops Strong Bones And Teeth:

Vitamin C is a great antioxidant mineral and it can be found in bitter leaf. It plays an important role in the body, including the maintenance of bones and teeth. Bitter leaf helps in the development of strong bone and teeth in adults and children.


13. Enhances Fertility:

When it comes to its benefit to the reproductive system of women, bitter leaf works wonders and its very impressive. Drinking bitter leaf juice can help a woman get pregnant as the chemical compounds present in bitter leaf extracts like edotides promotes hormonal balance and boosts your immune system to help fight against toxification. Once balance is restored to your genital hormone, your chances of being reproductive increases.

It does not only work wonders in women, it is also good for men  because it improves the quality of their sperm. Generally, the high levels of vitamins and minerals in bitter leaf are very effective and beneficial to overall health, which makes it effective to couples who are trying to conceive.


14. Relieves Fever:

The flavonoids found in bitter leaf have powerful antioxidant effects, which can help in treating different health issues like high fever. Bitter leaf has always been used by traditional/ herbal doctors to treat bacterial infection like typhoid fever.

15. Improves Metabolic Function:

Vitamin B1, is also known as thiamine, and it plays a very important role in the metabolism of lipids, glucose and amino acids  in the body system. Vitamin B1 is an important dietary supplement that is naturally found in  bitter leaf and it helps to oxidize fatty acids in order to produce the synthesis of lipids, which is one of the body’s essential processes.

See also  20 Health Benefits of bitter leaf

Health Benefits Of Drinking Bitter Leaf Water On An Empty Stomach


  1. Speeds Up Your Metabolism
  2. Helps In Reducing Weight
  3. Prevents Kidney Stones
  4. Improves Your Skin
  5. Cleanses Your Bowels
  6. Flushes Toxins from The Body
  7. Increases Energy
  8. Promotes Healthy Hair
  9. Strengthens Immune System
  10. Prevents Headaches
  11. Lowers Blood Sugar
  12. Lowers blood cholesterol
  13. Boost fertility
  14. Good for the eyes
  15. Regulates Menstruation
  16. Lowers blood pressure
  17. Improves liver health

How to Extract Bitter Leaf Juice

Bitter leaf juice can be extracted and prepared in a variety of ways;

  • However, bitter leaf is traditionally drunk by chewing the sensitive stem to yield a bitter liquid. Some people even use it to wash their teeth.
  • You can also press the juice out of the fresh leaves by pounding them in a mortar. Then combine afterward with water. After that, drink three tablespoons of undiluted liquid with a teaspoon of salt.
  • You can also use a bowl, but first, wash the leaf completely with clean water to ensure that it is clean, then place it in a clean bow and squeeze it between your palms without water to extract the natural juice from the leaf.

You can either use a juicer or combine the leaves with a little water in a blender and filter the extract through cheesecloth, a coffee strainer, or a sieve with a tight mesh to extract the juice.

Because bitter leaf extract on its own is highly bitter, and this taste can be a significant turn-off for some, simply blend it with fragrance leaf, spinach, or Ugwu (fluted pumpkin) to minimize the bitter taste.

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There may be great and numerous health benefits of drinking bitter leaf water on empty stomach, but always remember to consult with your doctor about any medical concerns, conditions and supplements that you may be taking. Always take the advice of a medical professional on how to proceed with your treatment using bitter leaf juice.

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