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HomeHealth & wellnessAstyfer Blood Tonic: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

Astyfer Blood Tonic: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

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Astyfer blood tonic is an effective blood builder for treating iron deficiency anaemia and other related conditions. It contains a mild iron supplement with many multivitamins like vitamin B complex and amino acids. Astyfer blood tonic aids the formation of blood in the body and makes the process faster while remaining gentle on the stomach. 

If you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency and asked to take a blood tonic, then Astyfer blood tonic can be a good option for you. This guide has all the information you need about the blood tonic, so keep reading to learn more. 

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What is Anaemia? 

Anaemia is a condition that results from a low level of healthy red blood cells or a haemoglobin level that is lower than normal. When a person has this condition, there aren’t enough red blood cells to transport oxygen around the body, so the heart has to work extra hard to pump the amount of blood needed to get adequate oxygen around the body. 

If this person gets involved in rigorous activities, the cells may not be able to carry enough oxygen to meet the body’s needs, and this can result in exhaustion.

Therefore, using a blood tonic will serve as an excellent supplement for iron and help aid the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia. This is one of the major purposes of blood tonic, but you have to consult a physician or get a doctor’s prescription and only use it when asked. Do not take blood tonic simply because you think you have symptoms of anaemia.

Symptoms of Anaemia 

Some of the common symptoms of anaemia include:

  • Fatigue or weakness.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Breathlessness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Racing heart or palpitations.
  • Lack of concentration.
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Astyfer Blood Tonic

Composition of Astyfer Blood Tonic

The active ingredients and nutritional content of Astyfer Blood Tonic are listed below.

  • Ferrous glycine sulphate.
  • L-Lysine Hydrochloride.
  • Thiamine Hydrochloride.
  • L-Histidine Hydrochloride H2O.
  • Cyanocobalamin.
  • Riboflavin (as Riboflavin Sodium Phosphate).
  • Nicotinamide.
  • Dexpanthenol
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
  • Fe fumarate.
  • Histamine.
  • Vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, and B12

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Who May Need the Astyfer Blood Tonic?

Some groups of people may need to take Astyfer blood tonic even when they are not sick because they are at higher risk of developing anaemia. So if you fall under any of these categories, you may need the medication, but you still have to confirm with your doctor before taking it. 


Usually, children do not take blood tonics regularly as long as they are healthy and feeding well. However, monitoring their blood levels and giving them blood tonics as a physician prescribes is essential. This supplement will also help them maintain their appetite and normal cognitive function.

Menstruating Women

Astyfer blood tonic can help menstruating women enhance the formation of new blood cells and haemoglobin; this can help replace blood lost during the monthly cycle and prevent a blood shortage.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women need more essential nutrients in their bodies so their foetuses can stay healthy. Hence, they can be asked to take blood tonic to help maintain an adequate formation and supply of red blood cells and to support the increased demand for iron and other nutrients as the baby grows. 


Vegetarians are people who do not eat meat, fish, or sometimes any product derived from animals, like eggs. These are some of the primary sources of iron in the body, so it will not be a surprise for such people to become iron deficient. Hence blood tonic is often needed as a supplement. 

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Iron deficiency can have a lot of adverse effects on an athlete’s performance; their bodies need to be able to supply adequate oxygen to tissues and organs as they carry out athletic activities. So most times, athletes need supplements like blood tonics to stay healthy and energetic.

Uses of Astyfer Blood Tonic

Asttyfer blood tonic is not only used for the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia, it actually has so many benefits, and it is often used to aid the treatment of certain medical conditions listed below.

  • Iron deficiency anaemia.
  • Enlarged prostate gland.
  • Iron deficiency anaemia.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Ischemic stroke.
  • Liver protection.
  • Herpes simplex infections.
  • Skin prick testing.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Mental disorder.
  • Allergic reactions.


Astyfer blood tonic should be taken orally before or after meals. Adults 12 years and above can take one capsule twice daily or 10ml (two teaspoons) twice daily. You can also take it as directed by your physician.

The dosage of the blood tonic can be adjusted according to your response to treatment. However, for children below 12 years, the dose will be based on their weight and medical condition. So you need to consult a physician or healthcare provider to determine the dosage of blood tonic for your kids. 

Astyfer Blood Tonic

Side Effects of Astyfer Blood Tonic

Astyfer blood tonic usually has no side effects if taken in recommended doses. However, it is possible to feel symptoms like nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, dark-coloured stool, etc., so if you notice these side effects, you should consider stopping the medication and consulting your doctor

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Note that people undergoing treatment for malaria shouldn’t take this blood tonic because the malaria parasite feeds on iron which blood tonics can supply.

What is the Cost of Astyfer Blood Tonic? 

The Astyfer blood tonic costs N4500 to N6000, and it is available in pharmacies, including many online pharmacy stores across the country. The blood tonic is available in capsules and syrup; they are both very effective and within the same price range. However, the capsule has some ingredients that aren’t contained in the syrup, but it’s unclear how that affects its function. 

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Astyfer blood tonic contains many vitamins and essential nutrients required for optimal health. So it is an excellent option if you are looking to prevent and treat various types of anaemia and also if you want to prevent deficiencies of zinc, iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12. Astyfer blood tonic can help you improve your health significantly but ensure you do not use it without a doctor’s prescription.


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