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HomeCanadian Family Physicians Shift Away from Primary Care: Challenges and Calls for...

Canadian Family Physicians Shift Away from Primary Care: Challenges and Calls for Government Action

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A seismic shift in the role of Canadian family physicians has been unveiled by a recent report from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), revealing that a substantial portion of these practitioners are increasingly focusing on specialty care rather than traditional primary care. As the shortage of family doctors persists across the country, experts are calling for urgent government action to address the underlying causes and ensure accessible, quality healthcare for all Canadians.

The CIHI report, drawing on 2021 payment data, paints a concerning picture of the evolving landscape of family medicine in Canada. It indicates that approximately 28 percent of the country’s more than 9,500 family physicians predominantly provide services outside of primary care settings. Instead, they concentrate on specialized areas such as emergency medicine, psychiatry, and general surgery, deviating from the conventional role of family doctors in providing comprehensive and continuous primary care.

The shift away from primary care responsibilities among family physicians has been a gradual process, with the percentage of practitioners practicing outside of primary care steadily increasing from 2013 to 2018. However, the period between 2019 and 2022 witnessed a notable acceleration in this trend, raising concerns among healthcare professionals and policymakers alike.

The implications of this shift are far-reaching. Patients across Canada, particularly those in underserved communities, are finding it increasingly challenging to access primary care services. With family physicians focusing on specialty care, individuals seeking routine medical attention and preventive care may face longer wait times or be compelled to seek treatment from already overstretched healthcare facilities.

The report’s authors, alongside the Canadian Medical Association, have highlighted the mounting challenges faced by family physicians, including heightened workloads and administrative burdens. A report from June revealed that 74 percent of Canadian primary care physicians believed the quality of medical care had declined since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, surpassing the average of other affluent countries.

Dr. Andrew Park, president of the Ontario Medical Association, underscored the critical role of family physicians in advocating for patients to receive necessary medical tests, treatments, and specialist referrals. However, he lamented the existing bottlenecks within the healthcare system, particularly in specialties such as emergency medicine, where family physicians are drawn due to hospitals covering overhead costs.

In response to these challenges, healthcare professionals and advocacy groups are calling on the Canadian government to take decisive action. The Ontario Medical Association has urged provincial authorities to allocate funding for primary care teams to support family doctors and their patients effectively. This includes measures to address the rising administrative burdens and ensure adequate resources for hiring allied health professionals.

Moreover, systemic changes are needed to incentivize family physicians to remain in primary care and prioritize preventive medicine. The government must explore innovative solutions, such as loan forgiveness programs and enhanced reimbursement rates, to encourage medical students and practicing physicians to pursue careers in family medicine.

Dr. Fan-Wah Mang, a veteran family physician in Mississauga, Ontario, shared her firsthand experience of burnout and the challenges of sustaining her practice amidst rising costs and administrative demands. Her story underscores the urgency of investing in primary care to alleviate the strain on frontline healthcare providers and ensure continuity of care for patients.

In conclusion, the CIHI report serves as a wake-up call for policymakers and healthcare stakeholders to address the evolving dynamics of family medicine in Canada. By prioritizing investment in primary care, reducing administrative burdens, and incentivizing family physicians to remain in the field, the government can lay the foundation for a sustainable and equitable healthcare system that meets the needs of all Canadians.

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, it is imperative that the Canadian government takes proactive steps to support family physicians and prioritize primary care. By addressing the underlying challenges highlighted in the CIHI report, policymakers can ensure that every Canadian has access to quality healthcare services when they need them most.

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