Have you heard about the benefits of alligator pepper, or are you still wondering why people use it? Don’t worry; you are about to learn all about it. Alligator pepper is just like the grains of paradise, just that their seeds are enclosed in a pod. It has different names in different regions, including Mbongo spice, Ginny pepper, Malagueta pepper, Hepper pepper, Afrika Kakulesi, Guinea pepper or Atare.
Alligator pepper is a highly nutritional and medicinal spice with plenty of phytochemicals derived from its seeds; it has been used for snacking, treating several diseases, and for culinary purposes from time immemorial. So let’s look at some of the amazing benefits of alligator pepper and how you can harness them.
10 key benefits of alligator pepper
Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders
The seeds extracted from alligator pepper can be used to treat gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers, diarrhoea, stomach pains, constipation, intestinal worms and bloating. Some people can chew the hot and spicy seeds to get this result, while others may soak them in drinking water.
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Dermatological Care
This is probably unexpected, but it is one of the most notable benefits of alligator pepper; it can be used to treat certain infectious skin diseases such as smallpox, measles, chickenpox, skin rashes, etc. It is used in combination with other herbal remedies because it is very effective and has been used in traditional medicine for many years.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Alligator pepper seeds have gingerol, a phenolic compound that inhibits prostaglandins and leukotriene synthesis, offering protection against inflammation in the body.
Although inflammation is the body’s natural way of fighting off infections, it can be long-lasting and contribute to other disorders such as diabetes, internal scarring, asthma, cancer, etc. However, the good news is you can use alligator pepper as a remedy and prevention from inflammation.
Anti-oxidizing Properties
The extract of alligator pepper seeds contains a rich amount of phytonutrients such as alkaloids, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, saponin and phenolic compounds. These phytonutrients scavenge your entire body and rid it of allergens, microbes, viruses, platelet aggregation, hepatotoxins, etc.
Analgesic Properties
If you can get alligator pepper seeds in the aqueous form, you will enjoy some of the most potent benefits of alligator pepper used for herbal medicine for many years. The aqueous extract of alligator pepper seeds contains analgesic properties that can help you relieve and alleviate pains such as toothache, arthritic pain, joint pain, stomach pain, rheumatoid pain and other body pains.
Consumption Purposes
AlligatorAlligator pepper has many uses in medicine and health, but did you know it can also make for a fantastic spice? So many people snack on it for ceremonies like weddings, burials, town meetings, naming ceremonies, etc. It is usually served with peanut butter and kola nuts as part of customary rites.
Furthermore, alligator pepper can be used to garnish salads and prepare assorted dishes like pepper soup, lamb dishes, stews, chicken, etc. It has a hot peppery and intense flavour that gives food a pleasing aroma and spicy taste.
Alligator pepper is also used in breweries to make bears; it helps strengthen the flavour of alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, gin and ale.
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Improved Blood Circulation
Your body needs an adequate supply of oxygen-rich blood to keep your cells and organs healthy and functional, and fortunately, alligator pepper has proven very effective in aiding blood circulation. The extracts from alligator pepper seeds are rich in minerals and vitamins that can help improve the flexibility of your arteries to enhance the better circulation of blood.
Wound Healing
Another essential benefit of alligator pepper is its role in wound healing processes; you can crush the alligator pepper seeds and use it to prepare concoctions for treating and healing wounds. The seeds contain a generous amount of tannin that can effectively heal wounds, soothe inflamed mucous membranes and treat burns.
Reduces Blood Sugar
This is one of the numerous benefits of alligator pepper; if you have been diagnosed with high blood sugar or diabetes, you may reap this health benefit of alligator pepper. It is very potent for reducing blood sugar levels, and even if you do not have diabetes, regular consumption of this plant can also help you regulate your blood sugar.
Aphrodisiac Properties
Some studies have shown that alligator pepper can stimulate sexual function because it has some aphrodisiac properties. The pant can help increase your libido and generally give you a healthier sex life. However, more studies are still needed to confirm this.
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Alligator pepper benefits are numerous, and you have learned about most of them in this guide. However, it is essential to know that while alligator pepper has many uses and health benefits, some are not yet scientifically proven, so the plant’s effectiveness, efficacy and safety have not been fully confirmed.
On that note, alligator pepper should be consumed in moderation, and it is best if you do not use it to replace any prescribed medication. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also seek medical advice before consuming alligator pepper in large amounts.
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